The God of the Bible is known as the
Spirit of Wisdom.
In the book of Proverbs , the Spirit of Wisdom
counsel with all of mankind , hoping that each hearer will
wholeheartedly listen and follow the one called Wisdom .
To do this is to adhere to Wisdom , or in other words , to become
a follower of God.
definition of
ADHERE is to :
stay attached ; cleave ; cling to ; to stay firm in supporting
or approving.
PROVERBS 8 : 1 says , " Does not
wisdom call out ?
Does not
understanding raise her voice ?"
> Verse 4 says , " To you , O people , I call out ;
I raise my voice to all mankind."
> Verse 6 says , " Listen , for I have trustworthy things to say ;
I open my lips to speak what is right."
Are you listening for , or are you listening to , the Spirit of Wisdom ?
Jesus , the only begotten Son of God , was prophesied before
His birth that the Spirit of Wisdom would rest upon Him.
ISAIAH 11 : 1 - 2
2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him—
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and strength,
the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD.…"
Jesus said in the Gospel of John 10:27 ,
" My sheep hear My voice ,
and I know them , and they follow Me ; ..."
His message to you is : Hear My Voice and Follow Me.
Here is the Lexicon for this verse :
FOLLOW [ Greek
definition ] : to accompany , attend , follow.
The word " follow " is with the intention of going the same way ,
especially as a disciple. Are you following Him ?