Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wisdom that Prevails ~ Proverbs 15 : 33

 Blessings to you , reader , as you view BIBLE PAGES by Peridot Path .

I'll start you with the newest edition of the

" LITTLE WISE OWL " series .  :)

The above link will take you to Bible Hub's parallel Bibles web page for Proverbs 15 : 33.

Sometimes you'll find that many translations have nearly identical wording , but as you read through the listings , you may find a translation or two that God enables you to receive some new clarity and understanding that you were not enjoying up to that point.

May God bless you as you explore His Word !  :)

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🔗    Amplified Bible    🔗

" Every man’s way is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs and examines the hearts [of people and their motives]. "
Proverbs 21 : 2 

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To sum the above Scriptures up , in combination with how people choose to live compared to His Word ,  it can be described as being polar opposite. God has given us His Holy Spirit , His Holy Son Jesus , His Holy people and His Holy Word in order to instruct us into every pathway that includes and exalts His Wisdom , but people still consistently turn and go the other way.

When some person or nation is told to repent , they are being instructed in the ways of Wisdom so they can do a 180 degree turnaround , and immediately go away from any and all destructive directions , so they can walk in the ways of knowledge and wisdom that only God provides .

That is what it means to humble one self before God .

That's what it means to repent.

That's what it means to treasure God's knowledge and wisdom above our own . To exalt His ways above all of the the world's corrupted versions of knowledge and wisdom will disable the death that comes from this world ; and in turn it will make a pathway for life and eternal life.

 But be prepared , as you seek God's face then you will gain favor in His sight ; but you will also fall out of favor with this world. Look at what Jesus said that you can expect :

 " ... you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved."

That verse can be found in Mark 13 : 13          🔗    New King James Version     🔗

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I would like to urge every person and nation to thoroughly know what God has said in His Word , and to properly know the intentions that goes with His Words. Too many people have decided that their interpretation of His Words should prevail over what He said and what He meant by what He said - and that is dangerously wrong . So be careful ! 

I'll give an example of what I mean . Many are saying that if you hate a sinner's sins , then you are not walking in the love that God and Jesus taught.  What a horrendous error !!  God never tolerated sin .  Instead , He loved sinners enough to tell them to repent of their sins ; and Jesus told His Church to tell others that very same message. God NEVER said to be inclusive of those who prefer sin  ; but He did say to preach the message that people must repent of their sins.  Jesus died to save people from the penalty of death for their sins so they could live with God forever. God included sinners in His plans for eternity by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for those sins , so they could be cleansed of their guilt and become righteous in His sight. One CANNOT keep a grip on sin and have a Savior who saves from the penalty of sins . They are in contradiction !!

 Please listen to the instruction that comes from the Spirit of Wisdom :

Humble yourself . Get rid of your ways , and prefer His ways instead ; then you'll have life and honor before God and others ... forever !  

Remember , Church is not where you are or who you are with , but rather it is the the people who have received the cleansing of Jesus' blood for their sins so they can be eternally connected , by His Holy Spirit , to the Head of the Church , which is Jesus the Christ. As the Church abides in Christ Jesus  , and stays faithful and fruitful - even unto death - then His Church will be raised to eternal life. No other "church" will spend eternity with God . Only those who have exalted His Wisdom above their own will prevail over sin , death and this world. 

Make Jesus the Christ your way , today !!

John 14 : 6 

  6 " Jesus answered,  ' I am the way and the truth and the life.  

No one comes to the Father except through Me.'

Note : Place your cursor on the above verse , and then you will see a pop-up definition from the original language for that part of His word .  Enjoy studying God's Word !   :)  

And KEEP SCROLLING to enjoy some more of

BIBLE PAGES by Peridot Path.




Sunday, June 5, 2022

1 - Genesis 1 & John 1 ~ SPRING

 Have a blessed time , reader , as you read God's Word and enjoy some beautiful photos of God's creation in the Springtime !   :)

The Gospel of John  1 : 1 - 3

1  " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  

He was with God in the beginning. 3  Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. "

Genesis  1

1  " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  "

For the full details of God creating His creation , you can go to the following link :


As you look at the following photos , please remember that " Mother Nature " , 

" Mother Earth " ,  and "Nature" did NOT create what God alone created .  

Nehemiah 9:6
" You alone are the LORD. You created the heavens, the highest heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all things, and the host of heaven worships You. "


The following photos are from pixabay user : ChiemSeherin .

 Always use Safe Search while visiting pixabay .

One of the ultimate Spring time symbols , the Tulip !

The Tulip is the flower of the year for 2022 , so enjoy !


What a beautiful blue on these spring time flowers !

I believe one of the names that this plant goes by is Liver Flower ..... which certainly belies its beauty.


                             And one more symbol of Spring , the Ornamental Cherry Blossom !

Flowering trees , regardless of what type they are , truly bring a unique beauty to Spring that cannot be matched at other times of the year.  As with any season , Spring has a melding of other seasons that peaks in and out , but it prevails eventually.  :)

Enjoy God's creation by taking good care of it , always !

May God , the Creator , bless you  -  every season .  :)

Psalm 5 ~ June 5 : Israel

 God bless you , readers , as you enjoy Psalm 5 from the Bible ; and some of Israel's history.

June 5th is the anniversary date of the famous Six Day War , where Israel gained territories for the sake of unification , religious freedom and security from those who surrounded her , especially with animosity.  From  June 5 - 10 , 1967 , Israel obtained the entire city of Jerusalem - which included the famous Western Wall ; the Gaza strip , the Sinai Peninsula , the so-called  "west bank" , and the Golan Heights.

Some of the above mentioned places remain within Israel's  jurisdiction , while some areas have been given over to others to control - with restrictions. The so-called "west bank" is a term the world has used to defy Israel's God given boundaries that He set for them , as mentioned in the Old Testament. The world wants all to remember that the eastern portion of Israel's God given land was actually the western portion of Jordan prior to the Six Day War. It is best for all to remember that God created the nation of Israel , and her boundaries - and that includes her one and only capital , Jerusalem.

By God's grace , what is critically within Israel's complete control is Jerusalem , the Western Wall and the Golan Heights.

Since Jerusalem and the Western Wall have become a part of the state of Israel , her people have enjoyed praying and worshiping freely , where they belong. The nation of Israel  faces annual risks from acts of violence and from those who want to remove her status as a Jewish state , but God has kept her so far. It is imperative that Christians and Jews keep their hearts , actions and prayers for Israel and the Jewish people.  

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The above picture is of Jewish worshipers at Israel's Western Wall.

If you click on the photo to enlarge it , you can see the pieces of paper that have been stuffed into the crevices of these ancient stones. They are prayer requests , some of which have come from Israel's many visitors and supporters.

The photo is from pixabay user : reijotelaranta 

💻    Please ALWAYS use Safe Search while you visit pixabay.  💻


PSALM    5

 For the choirmaster, to be accompanied by flutes. A Psalm of David. 

1  " Give ear to my words, O LORD;

consider my groaning.

2  Attend to the sound of my cry,

my King and my God,

for to You I pray.

3  In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice;

at daybreak I lay my plea before You

and wait in expectation.

For You are not a God who delights in wickedness;

no evil can dwell with You.

5  The boastful cannot stand in Your presence;

You hate all workers of iniquity.

6  You destroy those who tell lies;

the LORD abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit. 

7  But I will enter Your house

by the abundance of Your loving devotion; a

in reverence I will bow down

toward Your holy temple.

8  Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness

because of my enemies;

make straight Your way before me.

For not a word they speak can be trusted;

destruction lies within them.

Their throats are open graves;

their tongues practice deceit.b

10  Declare them guilty, O God;

let them fall by their own devices.

Drive them out for their many transgressions,

for they have rebelled against You. 
11 But let all who take refuge in You rejoice;

let them ever shout for joy.

May You shelter them,

that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.

12  For surely You, O LORD, bless the righteous;

You surround them with the shield of Your favor. "


7 a Forms of the Hebrew chesed are translated here and in most cases throughout the Scriptures as loving devotion; the range of meaning includes love, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and mercy, as well as loyalty to a covenant.
