Sunday, March 8, 2020

Women - What's right & what isn't. ~ Proverbs 3

Women : What is right ?

                ~ * ~  A GUIDE TO PRAYER is at the bottom of this post.   Enjoy ! ~ * ~                         

As this world delves deeper into darkness , as was
prophesied , even the definition of female has come
under a direct assault. In the Book of Genesis , God
created only two genders , male and female , and yet this
world wants children and adults to acknowledge the
perversion of gender identity . How can you respect
the uniqueness and beauty of the female-born if a
male is supposed to be "respected" as a "female"
just because that is how they choose to live ?
A gender identity "female" can never have female
DNA , organs or abilities - period. If one is born a
male or female , then that is how God will view them
in this lifetime , and at judgment. Remember that !
Review some of the Scriptures and references
about  God and humanity :

God wanted  humans , male and female ,
to procreate. Only the female can bear children ,
and that is one of the unique and beautiful aspects of
being a female. The Author of Life - God - gave
women the ability to share in the creating of life ,
and what a beautiful gift that is !   :)

With that in mind , it has become quite tragic and ironic
that women have used their modern influences to promote
abortion all over the world !

Women , who were used to having no voice when their
legitimate civil rights were being trampled upon ,
are now empowered enough to vehemently demand the
so-called "right" for legal acts of violence to be committed
within their own persons , resulting in the death of their unborn !

The unborn are not to be trivialized as objects of inconvenience .
They are human beings that are forming in the womb , which
God created for safety , growth and life .
For the aborted , they will never have the opportunity to know what
it is to be a person in this world , to enjoy what is right and
their own set of rights , because the right to their own life
was taken away from them . That shouldn't be .

In closing , know for sure , it is right to save a women's life when she
is at risk during pregnancy or labor ; but it is also the woman's right to forfeit her
life for the sake of her unborn , if she so chooses.  But one thing that is
absolutely crystal clear - it is NEVER right , nor is it ever a "civil right ", to
frivolously kill the unborn.


            PLEASE   NOTE  :    If you have had an abortion , please  ask God  , in        
            Jesus' name , to forgive you of your sin(s) of aborting. Ask and you shall       
            receive !  If you have not accepted Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Savior ,  
            then please ask Him to cleanse you of your sins & come into your heart to live  
            with you forever .  Ask God the Father to send His Holy Spirit , right now , to  
            guide you into all of  His ways , for the rest of your life .  ~  God bless you as  
            you follow Him in faith , and with faithfulness !  He loves you !  :)                  

                                                    PROVERBS   3

Trust in the LORD
6  " in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
This will bring healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.…"

                            To those who claim to belong to the God of the Bible :                            
                      If you are supporting abortion with your words , ways or votes -                   
                                         it is imperative that you repent !                                                    
