Welcome to BIBLE PAGES by Peridot Path !
Today is Resurrection Sunday . If you are a believer , then God bless you today as you remember that eternal life awaits you because of your faith in His sacrifice for your sins that enabled your name to be put in His Book of Life . :) If you are missing a Christian , whom you have cared about because they are already with the Lord , then just remember that you will see them again ! We may grieve for their loss from our lives , but we absolutely do not grieve like the world .
I Thessalonians 4 : 15 - 17
15 " By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. 17 After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord."…
Keep the above Scriptures close to your heart . :)
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Today , as Christians celebrate the Resurrection Of Jesus , we need to let go of the world's ways and let His Holy Spirit guide us , now more than ever.
We must keep our wicks trimmed and burning for the Lord by focusing on Him , His Word and letting our light shine in this ever darkening and dangerous world. We cannot allow ourselves to be entangled with such things as the annual commercialization of Holy events , such as the Resurrection and Birth of Jesus .
It's truly past time for God's Church to have His priorities.
When Jesus came out of His tomb and visited numerous people , He did not bring gifts of bunny rabbits , colorful candies , little chicks , new fashionable outfits , and an assortment of eggs that are colorfully decorated and designed ; but rather He brought His resurrected self , His love and His Father's love . That is what we've got to stay focused on !
For years , there's been one thing that has truly become a tragic connection between the holidays that "celebrate" the Birth of Jesus and His Resurrection , and that is the idea of putting children , gifts and fun . . . .AHEAD of God and good !
The insidious goal of coercing adults into focusing on " What can be done for the children ? ", and all the while these same children do not know the Living God. I'll tell you what can be done for the children : lead them to God through His Son , Jesus ; with the help of the Holy Spirit and His Bible !
Since the Resurrection of Jesus has zero to do with anything associated with "Easter " , the term "Easter Sunday" has got to go! There's no such thing in the Christian faith !! Even pastors of mega churches are using this erroneous term , even while they tout that they're a Bible believing and teaching church. We don't have time for this , literally. How can we reach the world with the truth if we won't let His Word prevail over such fictitious things as Easter , Easter bunnies and Santa's sleigh that's full of gifts every year.
Here's another brass tack :
How can you teach a child or a young person that the God of the Resurrection will raise them or their Christian loved one up from the grave to eternal life one day , when all they get exposed to are colorful treats and gifts ?!? The Church has to reach them with the truth before they get hit with grief .
Too many children and young people are being lost through death all over this world. They need to know that there is a God who is greater than death ! He wants them loved and saved !
It's past time to teach them our faith ,,, so
Excellent reading at the above link. Enjoy !