" Screen what comes across the screen . "
As you read the following definitions and thought provoking words ,
may God enable you to put good screening skills to work in your life ,
for every screen that you may encounter , and set the example for many
as you do so.
The definitions for SCREEN { skrēn } are :
- a fixed or movable upright partition used to divide a room, give shelter from drafts, heat, or light, or to provide concealment or privacy.
- a flat panel or area on an electronic device such as a television, computer, or smartphone, on which images and data are displayed.
- conceal, protect, or shelter (someone or something) with a screen or something forming a screen.
In today's world , people of all ages - from tiny children to the elderly - have access
to various screens , be they on televisions , phones , computers or movie screens. With all
of these screens filling the nations , we need to consider what we are allowing those screens
to show us. We need to screen the content of what we choose to see , and what we allow
to continue to see that was brought to us without our consent. An example would be if
you chose a wholesome program to watch , but midway through the program a sponsor
or the network showed something that is quite contrary to the wholesomeness that you
chose to watch. You'll have to make a decision : " Do I continue to watch a nice program ,
knowing that poor quality commercials could appear ; or do I change what I see on the
screen ? " Making a choice to prefer wholesome content is screening what you see or hear.
If something is unexpectedly brought to your attention , you can do a deeper screening
and choose to "stay or go " based on that new information. Remember to consider if others
will be affected by what you are seeing or hearing. You may need to put their needs and
wants ahead of your own , especially if there are age considerations. Choose wisely !!
Below is a screen shot of a reply that the Lord and I , Peridot Path , made on
May these words give you pause to consider the ramifications of what your are
watching and hearing , and if you may need to hone your screening with God's help.
( Note : Place your cursor on the words above to see their definitions. )