Thank you for enjoying BIBLE PAGES , and this postcard that the Lord and I
made this morning.
PSALM 91{ Place your cursor over the words below to see the
definitions from the original language via Bible Hub. }
2 " I will say to the LORD, ' You are my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' "
Please also see :
For those who are in the midst of stresses , hazards or dangers - or you are
expecting such things ( such as storms , troubles from others , etc } then
please read the entire Psalm 91 , and take note that God wants to do these good
things for those who love and trust Him. Seek His face with a heart of loving
faith , obedience and trust , then He can help you. Pray through out your day
and ask for His grace to tend to you and yours. He loves a heart of faith !
God bless you as you lean on Him !